Welcome to VirtuosityTech Inc.
ViRtuoisty Tech, Inc. has acquired Arcadian Virtual Reality
ViRtuosityTech is the sole manufacturer and distributor of the Virtuality(R) brand of fully immersive VR games worldwide. We offer the most recognized units on the planet.
VirtuosityTech will be introducing new products and re-introducing familiar producs under the new ViRtuosity brand!
Call +1-312-403-0078 or email:sales@arcadianvr.com for details.
RENT equipment for your event. VirtuosityTech offers the best in simulation equipment for conventions and conferences. We can build a training program around our VR games or provide entertainment for your event. We have a full range of equipment for parties, trade shows, corporate events, street fairs, or any other get together. We pride ourselves with providing our customers with the best service and gaming experience!
CONTACT US TODAY for a FREE ESTIMATE for rental of our high quality VR Gaming equipment.
Download a copy of the sales brochure PDF format VRT BROCHURE
All information contained in this website is copyright protected. Usage of this site means you are agreeing to the terms of service. VirtuosityTech, Inc.. 2016, All rights reserved.
Virtuality and the Virtuality logo are copyright 1993, Virtuality Entertainment LTD. Cybermind and the Cybermind logo are copyright 2009, Cybermind NL LTD, Virtuosity Tech and Virtuosity Systems are copyright, 2016, VirtuosityTech, Inc.
What is Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) is a term used for computer-generated 3D environments that allow the user to enter and interact with alternate realities. The users are able to "immerse" themselves to varying degrees in the computers artificial world which may either be a simulation of some form of reality or the simulation of complex data.
In simulating a reality, the focus is on reproducing its aspects as accurately as possible to create the illusion of an alternate reality. This can involve not only 3D images but the incorporation of 3D sound, artificial smell generation and force-feedback (technology that provides the sensation of touch). These realities may either be representations of real world objects or the imagination of the designer. Examples of this type of simulation would include architectural walkthroughs and VR games.
The simulation of complex data is a area in which VR is particularly useful. The ability to make sophisticated 3D spatial representations of complex data sets frequently enables the user to understand the data sets better. Examples of this type of simulation would include the use of VR to represent complex financial or medical data.
The degree with which the user is "immersed" in the virtual environment can vary. At one end of the spectrum is full immersion where the user wears a head mounted display (HMD) that provides 3D visual and auditory information, and some form of hand held input device such as data glove or a Flexor. Other techniques that provide progressively lesser levels of immersion are projecting the computers output into the environment, using large monitors and "head-up" displays.